We represent the following:

HSA - Compatible, High Deductible Health Plans

American Republic Insurance Company offers two high-deductible health plans specifically designed to work in conjunction with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). These high-deductible health plans, along with an HSA, offer individuals the opportunity to obtain lower cost health insurance, help control their health care costs and save any unused HSA funds for future medical expenses on a tax-favored basis. Contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible, subject to the limits established by the Internal Revenue Service.

Major Medical

Everyone does not have access to health insurance through their employer, or sometimes they may be looking for coverage for their spouse or children. In order to meet these coverage needs American Republic offers health insurance plans for individuals and families that help defray the expenses incurred for hospital, medical or surgical expenses.

How do I apply?

Simply click on the application forms list below. You will need to print them out and complete in ink.

When they are complete, you can submit two different ways:

1) Fax the application to our office at 480-820-2840 along with your Credit care authorization or voided check for the first premium.

2) Mail the hard copy to our office at the following address:

Larry E Gustafson Inc
1517 East Todd Drive
Tempe, AZ 85283

If you have any questions on the products or forms, please contact us immediately by phone at
480-820-6643 or by email at Larry@Legins.net

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